Thursday, October 30, 2008

Touch of Finance is Essential for Our Daily Life!!!

Finance, Yuck....... This is the idea of finance in most our minds. One main reason for us to frame such an image about finance is the number crunching operation the field demands. It is also because of the fact that we lack good mentors to provide us with clear insights in this area. But after joining my MBA it happened for me to change my views about this field. If the person who teaches you finance is clear about the stream then definitely you would have a better insight about the stream as such. So don’t just hear to every ones views as far as finance is concerned as it is field where you may get lost anywhere in the middle. Choose your mentor clearly at the beginning itself in order to develop interest in the field.
Interest is the key tool for you to master in finance. This is not only for finance but it is true for all the learnings that we are about to. But finance particularly demands ‘interest’ as the basic requirement to carry on. If you are not clear about a concept in finance don’t ever give up. Read more and more on that concept and try to clarify it with the people who know about that concept very well. The stream of finance is very much important even to lead our day to day life. For example, in a middleclass family the head lady trying to tally that month’s expenses with the income is literally what is known as ‘profit and loss statement’ in finance terms. So we are carrying out some of the core financial activities in our everyday life without knowing that it come under the stream of finance. Whatever you do, do it with the knowledge of know-how-to-do.
If you master yourself in finance then you can earn with ease in your life. I would suggest you to read a book called “Rich Dad Poor Dad” written by Robert T.Kiyosaki. He had given a good insight about the things that you must know in finance to lead a happy life. If you are out of financial troubles then definitely your life would be happy. So finance is only stream, which could give you both “Happiness and Sorrow”, which everyone has to face in their lives.

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